We gave up on the old laptop. Yesterday, I went to turn it on in the evening and couldn't even boot it up in safe mode. I'm in a bit of a panic because there are things on there that I didn 't back up, but a friend has loaned me a wire/plug-in contraption that we can (I hope) plug the hard drive into to get all my stuff and all the pictures and so on and so forth.
And most of the book that I spent this whole month writing, that's been flying out of my head and onto the screen? I didn't back it all up. Yeah, I hope this transfer doohickey works...
I'm wondering how I'm going to get my e-books off of there. I'm hoping I can re-download them, but not sure if it will let me put them all on a second computer. In good news: all my paperback and hardback books are over there on the shelf, perfectly safe. I guess in case of a house fire, it would be harder to replace them, but in case of a house fire, we'd be replacing the computer and e-reader anyway.
So now I have to get used to teeny-tiny writing on a giant screen again, instead of enormous writing and blue spots and scrolling back and forth and up and down constantly to read things.
I wrote 2500-ish words anyway today, writing the big fight scene and some of the aftermath. Still a couple of chapters left to go and that's it for a rough draft. Assuming I can retrieve it. Lordy, there's that nausea again. When did I start this thing?