So... Since July 3rd, what have we done?
Well, July 4th, for one thing. We did the neighborhood parade. DS1 helped carry the banner out front then helped hand out popsicles, DS2 helped put out water and lemonade for thirsty paraders.
We went to a friend's house for a potluck barbecue, but went to Folsom for the big rodeo fireworks instead of staying and watching them shoot off little safe and sane ones (We don't want safe! Who cares about sanity?). Considering the parking a mile away and walking up and waiting around, it was still worth it. Next year, I'm thinking we'll do the ones at the Sunrise Mall.
Then we did... um....
We went to see Toy Story 3, which was really good, even though it felt a bit disorganized. We had the medium-sized bag o' popcorn for 4 of us (3 kids and me) and it was HUGE, but we still ate almost all of it.
We might be going to see a movie with friends tomorrow. We keep sending emails and missing each other. I left a voice mail earlier today, but I don't think she has called back.
We're doing swimming lessons now and the last one is tomorrow. I can see from quick glances at the boys that they're really improving, DS1 especially. DS2 is much better, but he almost rolls onto his back for every breath. At least he's doing it to the side instead of to the front and stopping completely.
DD and I are in the baby and toddler class and she doesn't like doing the stuff she's asked to do. She blew bubbles the first couple of days, but didn't do it again until today. Some days, she'll lie on her back, some days she'll kick, one day, she even scooped with her arms a bit. But we're having fun :)
Otherwise, not much going on. DS2 refusing to read, DS1 reading anything he can get his hands on. No one practicing math facts. I'm not a good mom, am I? Only a month left of summer!
I should go download the pictures from my camera. I think there are some good ones on there.