Tuesday, March 23, 2010

lots of things, incl movies, teeth, and books

The first Pink Panther movie really stinks.

We are watching "Josephine: Ange Gardien: enfin des vacances" for the 5th time. Melodrama and Deus (or Angel) ex machina. Yay. And every other line is, "Oh! Gaspard!" or "Eh! Gaspard!" or just plain "Gaspard!" It's the French version of that angel series with, um, Pa from Little House. With a dwarf, blonde woman as the angel.

DD is sharing her goldfish with her doll :)

Switching to "La Grande Vadrouille" which is better.

And yes, The Toddler watches far too many movies, generally on the computer next to mine and generally way above her comprehension level, and most often in French.

Maybe this kid will speak French? DS1 tries some, but DS2 is pretty stubborn about refusing to try to understand most of the time.

Change of plan. Back to Asterix et Obelix.

I have to go back and get my tooth fixed some more. When I bite down now, my lower teeth shove against the new crown and it aches.

I really want to work out today, too. Maybe this evening. I keep throwing out the spot in my back that pinches the nerve that makes it so I can hardly turn my head. I only went to Curves once last week because of scheduling, but also because my neck was killing me.

I need to get my partial and synopsis out to the agent I met a couple of weeks ago. One more run-through and then I swear I'm going to print it and ship it out. Fingers crossed...

I've been re-reading the second book that I finished a rough draft of. It's pretty good, though I need to work on the pacing and also on the placement of various flashbacks. Do I make the whole thing chronological? Or do I make them flashbacks? Or.... Well, I don't want to leave them out entirely, because the heroine is really badly marked by her childhood and without some knowledge of her past, she's just odd.

Anyway, I should go brush my teeth and get DH up (he stayed up late programming) so I can go to the dentist's.

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