The boys (especially DS2) suddenly desperately wanted the Lego Passnger Train with power functions (motor and remote). between them, they had about $90, so I told them that they could do extra work around the house to earn the rest ("But whyyyyyyy won't you just buy it for us?" It costs $129.99, plus tax and you JUST HAD your birthday. But I'll put in about $20 if you let your sister play with it too.)
So they washed the car ($5 each), helped pick/pick up peaches ($2 each), washed the sinks and toilets ($1 per item cleaned), and mowed the lawn and clipped around the edges ($5 each).
So this morning, at almost lunchtime, they were adding up their money (still working on that with DS2...) and they had $120.08. And there was much rejoicing.
We went to Toys R Us (part of the 'money' was an old TRU gift card with $15 on it. And I surfed around the internet and no one had it cheaper) and they had just one. And there was much rejoicing.
So that's it. We have the train and track and motor and remote and 9 (NINE!) AAA batteries. I figure that hey, it's Lego, so when they get tired of the train going around and around, they can use the motor to build something else. And it's their money.
And so far, only one fight because "[DS2] has had more turns and longer turns and won't let [DD] play with it very much."
I'm thinking up a plan for allowances.