Monday, January 10, 2011

Laughing out loud (literally), the glamor of the author.

I had heard that being a bestselling author was glamorous. More evidence here:

(their website isn't working right now and I had to get this out.)

(never mind. It's working again)

(nope. direct link not working)

(go here: and look for "glamorous moi")

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

1) get back to exercising. THREE times a week, not two. Haven't been to Curves in about a month now, so I need to decide if it will be there or not. Without a place to go work out, I tend to never work out, so I'll stay there for a while.

Though DH is going to have a new contract (YAY!!!) and might not be home when I need him to be. Which also might mean cutting back on volunteer work at school...

2) query agents. Get one to take me on. I'm thinking with my were-fox/shapeshifter story.

3) finish and edit French historicals as well. Amp up the suspense.

4) finish the book that I have not told anyone about. It'll be fairly short and I'm getting close to the end.